More information at Eran’s Google Scholar page

Peer-Reviewed Papers

  1. Maayan Roichman, Michael Khavkin, Danielle Movsowitz Davidow, and Eran Toch, ChatGPT in the Public Eye: Ethical Principles and Generative Concerns in Social Media Discussions, New Media and Society.
  2. Ruth Sarig, Ran Wolff, Eran Toch, Cleaning house or quiet quitting? Large-scale analysis of account deletion behaviour on Tumblr, Behaviour & Information Technology, 1–21, 2024. Info. Download.
  3. Eilat Lev Ari, Maayan Roichman, Eran Toch, Strategies of Product Managers: Negotiating Social Values in Digital Product Design, Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2024. Info. Download.
  4. Liu Jiakun, Zicheng Zhang, Xing Hu, Ferdian Thung, Shahar Maoz, Debin Gao, Eran Toch, Zhipeng Zhao, and David Lo. MiniMon: Minimizing Android Applications with Intelligent Monitoring-Based Debloating. IEEE/ACM 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), pp. 990-990. IEEE Computer Society, 2024. Info.
  5. Frank John Bolton, Dov Te’eni, and Eran Toch, Can previews mitigate the effect of interruptions? Findings from a lab experiment under various workloads, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 40 (4), 956-964, 2024. Info.
  6. Liu Jiakun, Xing Hu, Ferdian Thung, Shahar Maoz, Eran Toch, Debin Gao, and David Lo. AutoDebloater: Automated Android App Debloating. 2023 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), pp. 2090-2093. IEEE, 2023. Info.
  7. Danielle Movsowitz-Davidow, Yacov Manevich, and Eran Toch. Privacy-Preserving Payment System With Verifiable Local Differential Privacy. 5th Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies (AFT), 2023. Info. Download. Code.
  8. Doron Hillman, Yaniv Harel, and Eran Toch. Evaluating Organizational Phishing Awareness Training on an Enterprise Scale. Computers & Security 103364, 2023. Info. Download.
  9. Eran Toch and Oshrat Ayalon. How Mass Surveillance Crowds Out Installations of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Applications. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 7, CSCW1, Article 58, 2023. Info. Download. Code. Presentation.
  10. Tamir Mendel, and Eran Toch. Social Support for Mobile Security: Comparing Close Connections and Community Volunteers in a Field ExperimentProceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2023. Info. Download.
  11. Tamir Mendel, Roei Schuster, Eran Tromer, and Eran Toch, Toward Proactive Support for Older Adults: Predicting the Right Moment for Providing Mobile Safety Help, Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 6, no. 1, 2022. Info.
  12. Maya Benarous, Eran Toch, Irad Ben-Gal, Synthesis of Longitudinal Human Location Sequences: Balancing Utility and Privacy. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), 16(6), 2022. Info. Code.
  13. Ayelet Arditi and Eran Toch, Evaluating package delivery crowdsourcing using location traces in different population densities, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 96, 2022. Info.
  14. Tamir Mendel, Roei Schuster, Eran Tromer, and Eran Toch, Toward Proactive Support for Older Adults: Predicting the Right Moment for Providing Mobile Safety Help, Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies6(1), 1-25, 2022. Info.
  15. Amit Rechavi and Eran Toch, Crowd logistics: Understanding auction-based pricing and couriers’ strategies in crowdsourcing package delivery,
    Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 26 (2), 129-144, 2022. Info Download.
  16. Tamir Mendel, Debin Gao, David Lo, Eran Toch, An Exploratory Study of Social Support Systems to Help Older Adults in Managing Mobile Safety, in the Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction. Article No.: 30, pp 1–13, 2021. Info. Download.
  17. Yelena Petrykina, Hadas Schwartz-Chassidim, and Eran Toch, Nudging Users towards Online Safety using Gamified Environments, Computers & Security, 108, 2021. Info. Download.
  18. Cohen, Doron, Or Naim, Eran Toch, and Irad Ben-Gal, Website categorization via design attribute learning, Computers & Security, 107, 2021. Info. Download.
  19. Oshrat Ayalon, and Eran Toch, User-Centered Privacy-by-Design: Evaluating the Appropriateness of Design Prototypes, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 154, 2021. Info. Download.
  20. Eran Toch, Hadas Schwartz-Chassidim, and Tali Hatuka, Can you Turn it Off? The Spatial and Social Context of Mobile Disturbance, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW2), 4, 1-18, 2020.  Info. Download.
  21. Hadas Schwartz-Chassidim, Christos Perentis, Eran Toch & Bruno Lepri, Between privacy and security: the factors that drive intentions to use cyber-security applications, Behaviour & Information Technology, 40 (16), 1769-1783, 2020.  Info Download.
  22. Hadas Schwartz-Chassidim, Oshrat Ayalon, Tamir Mendel, Ron Hirschprung, and Eran Toch, Selectivity in Posting on Social Networks: The Role of Privacy Concerns, Social Capital, and Technical Literacy, Heliyon6(2), 2020.  Info Download.
  23. Oshrat Ayalon and Eran Toch. Evaluating Users’ Perceptions about a System’s Privacy: Differentiating Social and Institutional Aspects, Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), 2019. Info.    Download.
  24. Tamir Mendel and Eran Toch, My Mom was Getting this Popup: Understanding Motivations and Processes in Helping Older Relatives with Mobile Security and Privacy, ACM Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 3 (4), 1-20, 2019.  Info Download.
  25. Zhiyuan Wan, Lingfeng Bao, Debin Gao, Eran Toch, Xin Xia, Tamir Mendel, and David Lo, AppMoD: Helping Older Adults Manage Mobile Security with Online Social Help. ACM Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies – IMWUT, 3 (4), 1-22, 2019.  Info Download.
  26. Eran Toch, Boaz Lerner, Eyal Ben-Zion, and Irad Ben-Gal. Analyzing large-scale human mobility data: a survey of machine learning methods and applications, Knowledge and Information Systems, 58 (3), 501-523, 2019. Info,   Download.
  27. Tali Hatuka, Issachar Rosen-Zvi, Michael Birnhack, Eran Toch & Hadas Zur, The Political Premises of Contemporary Urban Concepts: The Global City, the Sustainable City, the Resilient City, the Creative City, and the Smart City, Planning Theory & Practice, 19 (2), 160-179, 2018. Info.
  28. Oshrat Ayalon and Eran Toch. Crowdsourcing Privacy Design Critique:  An Empirical Evaluation of Framing Effects, The 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2018. Info. Download.
  29. Eran Toch, Claudio Bettini, Erez Shmueli, Laura Radaelli, Andrea Lanzi, Daniele Riboni, and Bruno Lepri. 2018. The Privacy Implications of Cyber Security Systems: A Technological Survey. ACM Computing Surveys 51- 2, Article 36, 2018. Info. Download.
  30. Irit Hadar, Tomer Hasson, Oshrat Ayalon, Eran Toch, Michael Birnhack, Sofia Sherman, and Arod Balissa. Privacy by designers: software developers’ privacy mindset, Empirical Software Engineering, pp. 1-31, 2017. Info. Download.
  31. Maija Poikela and Eran Toch. Understanding the Valuation of Location Privacy: a Crowdsourcing-Based Approach, Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2017. Info Download.
  32. Ron Hirschprung, Eran Toch, Hadas Schwartz-Chassidim, Tamir Mendel, and Oded Maimon. Analyzing and Optimizing Access Control Choice Architectures in Online Social NetworksACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST), vol 8, no. 4, p. 57, 2017. Info. Download.
  33. Oshrat Ayalon and Eran Toch. Not Even Past: Information Aging and Temporal Privacy in Online Social Networks, Human–Computer Interactionvol 32, no. 2, pp. 73-102, 2017. Info, Download.
  34. Tali Hatuka and Eran Toch. Being Visible in Public Space: The Normalization of Asymmetrical Visibility, Urban Studies, vol. 54, no. 4, pp.  984-998, 2017. Info, Download.
  35. Tamir Mendel and Eran Toch. Susceptibility to Social Influence of Privacy Behaviors: Peer versus Authoritative Sources, Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social ComputingInfo. Download.
  36. Ron Hirschprung, Eran Toch, Frank Bolton, and Oded Maimon. A methodology for estimating the value of privacy in information disclosure systems, Computers in Human Behavior, vol 61, pp. 443-453, 2016. Info Download.
  37. Omer Barak, Gabriella Cohen, and Eran Toch. Anonymizing Mobility Data using Semantic CloakingPervasive and Mobile Computing, vol. 28, pp. 102-112, 2016. Info, Download.
  38. Tali Hatuka and Eran Toch, The emergence of portable private-personal territory (PPPT): Smartphones, social conduct and public spaces. Urban Studies, vol. 53, no.10, 2016. Info, Download.
  39. Ron Hirschprung, Eran Toch and Oded Maimon, Simplifying Data Disclosure Configurations in a Cloud Computing Environment, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, vol 6, no. 3, p. 32, 2015. Info, Download.
  40. Michael Birnhack, Eran Toch, and Irit Hadar, Privacy Mindset, Technological Mindset, Jurimetrics, vol 55, no. 114, 2014. Info, Download.
  41. Eran Toch, Crowdsourcing Privacy Preferences in Context-Aware Applications, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, vol 18, no 1, pp. 129-141, 2014. Info. Download.
  42. Oshrat Ayalon and Eran Toch, Retrospective Privacy: Managing Longitudinal Privacy in Online Social Networks, In Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS ’13), Article 4 , 13 pages, 2013. Info. Download.
  43. Eran Toch and Inbal Levi, Locality and Privacy in People-Nearby Applications. In Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international joint conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing (UbiComp ’13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 539-548. Info. Download.
  44. Eran Toch, Yang Wang, and Lorrie Faith Cranor, Personalization and Privacy. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI), vol. 22, no. 1-2, pp. 203-220, 2012. Info. Download.
  45. Vassilis Kostakos, Jayant Venkatanathan, Bernardo Reynolds, Norman Sadeh, Eran Toch, Siraj A. Shaikh, and Simon Jones. Who’s your best friend?: targeted privacy attacks In location-sharing social networks, In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp ’11), pp. 177–186, 2011. Info. Download.
  46. Jayant Venkatanathan, Denzil Ferreira, Michael Benisch, Jialiu Lin, Evangelos Karapanos, Vassilis Kostakos, Norman M. Sadeh, Eran Toch. Improving Users’ Consistency When Recalling Location Sharing Preferences, In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT ’11), 2011. Info. Download
  47. Eran Toch, Iris Reinhartz-Berger, Dov Dori, Humans, Semantics Services and Similarity: A User Study of Semantic Web Services Matching and Composition. Journal of Web Semantics, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 16-28, 2011. Info. Download.
  48. Eran Toch, Justin Cranshaw, Paul Hankes Drielsma, Janice Y. Tsai, Patrick Gage Kelley, James Springfield, Lorrie Cranor, Jason Hong, and Norman Sadeh, Empirical models of privacy in location sharing, Proceedings of the 12th ACM international conference on Ubiquitous computing, pp. 129-138 , 2010. Info. Download.
  49. Justin Cranshaw, Eran Toch, Jason Hong, Aniket Kittur, Norman Sadeh. Bridging the gap between physical location and online social networks, In proceedings of the 12th ACM international conference on Ubiquitous computing (Ubicomp ’10), pp. 119–128, 2010.  Info. Download.
  50. Eran Toch, Avigdor Gal, Aviv Segev, Context-Based Matching and Ranking of Web Services for Composition. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 99, no. 1, pp. 210 – 222, 2009.  Info. Download.
  51. Eran Toch, Avigdor Gal, Iris Reinhartz-Berger, and Dov Dori, A Semantic Approach to Approximate Service Retrieval. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 2:1-2:30, 2007. Info. Download.
  52. Sheizaf Rafaeli, Miri Barak, Yuval Dan-Gur, and Eran Toch, QSIA – a web-based environment for learning, assessing and knowledge sharing in communities. Computers & Education, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 273–289, 2004.  Info.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Abstracts (selected publications)

  1. Jiakun Liu, Hu Xing, Thung Ferdian, Shahar Maoz, Eran Toch, Debin Gao, and David Lo, AutoDebloater: Automated Android App Debloating38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), pp. 2090-2093. IEEE, 2023. Info. Download.
  2. Frank Bolton, Dov Te’Eni, Neta B. Maimon, and Eran Toch, Detecting interruption events using EEG, In 2021 IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech), pp. 33-34. IEEE, 2021. Info. Download.
  3. Ron Hirshpung, Hadas Scwartz-Hassidim, and Eran Toch. An Algorithmic Approach To Evaluating Default Privacy Options, In the 42nd Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy, Washington D.C., 2014.  Info
  4. Tomer Hasson, Irit Hadar, Oshrat Ayalon, Sofia Sherman, Eran Toch, and Michael Birnhack. Are Designers Ready for Privacy by Design? Examining Perceptions of Privacy Among Information Systems Designers, In the 42nd Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy, Washington D.C., 2014. Info
  5. Omer Barak, Gabriella Cohen, Alla Gazit, and Eran Toch. 2013. The Price is Right? Economic Value of Location Sharing. In Proceedings of the 2013 ACM conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing adjunct publication (UbiComp ’13 Adjunct). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 891-900. Info. Download.
  6. Eran Toch, Super-Ego: a framework for privacy-sensitive bounded context-awareness. Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Workshop on Context-Awareness for Self-Managing Systems (CASEMANS ’11), 2011. Best paper award. Info. Download.

Book Chapters

  1. Oshrat Ayalon and Eran Toch, Remembrance of Things Past: Understanding the Time Dimension in Online Social Networks (Hebrew). In Privacy, Law, and the Surveillance Society, Prof. Assaf Likhovski and Prof. Michael Birnhack (ed), The Buchman Faculty of Law Series, Law, Society and Culture Series (2018)
  2. Eran Toch, OPOSSUM: indexing techniques for an order-of-magnitude improvement of service matchmaking times, Semantic Services: Advancement through Evaluation, Blake, B.; Cabral, L.; Knig-Ries, B.; Kster, U.; Martin, D. (Eds.), pp.49-62, Springer (2012), Info.