Eran Toch, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator

Maayan Roichman, Ph.D., post-doctoral researcher
Working on the work of AI engineers

Harpreet Singh, Ph.D., post-doctoral researcher
Working on machine learning and app debloating

Luiza Rezende, doctoral student, co-advised with Prof. Michael Birnhack
Working on fairness and privacy

Michael Khavkin, doctoral student
Working on human aspects of differential privacy

Danielle Movsowitz Davidow, doctoral student
Working on verifiable differential privacy

Noam Sheena, M.A. student
Working on Identifying Dark Patterns in Mobile Applications

Yuval Goldenstein, co-advised with Yoni Birman
Working on Data Sensitivity Analysis

Daniel Drori
Working on Cognitive Aspects of Dark Patterns

Group Alumni

Assaf Morag, M.A. thesis (graduated 2024)
Thesis title: DPAR: a Data-driven Password Recommendation System

Tamir Mendel, Doctoral Student (graduated 2022).
Dissertation title: “Collective Online Safety Support for Older Adults”.
Currently: Post-doctoral Researcher at NYU

Jinmo Huang, Intern from Beijing Foreign Studies University.
Working on peer help in mobile safety.

Frank Bolton, Doctoral Student (graduated 2021). Co-advised with Prof. Dov Te’eni. Dissertation title: “Mental Load-based Interruption Management”.

Oshrat Ayalon, Doctoral Student (graduated 2021).
Dissertation title: “User-Centered Privacy-by-Design”.
Currently: Post-doctoral Researcher at the Max Planck Institute

Rony Hirshpung, Doctoral Student (graduated 2016). Co-advised with Prof. Oded Maimon. Dissertation title: “Optimizing Privacy Choices”.
Currently: Faculty member at Ariel University

Amit Rechavi, Post-doctoral Researcher (graduated 2019).
Currently: Faculty member at Rupin

Hadas Chassidim, Post-doctoral Researcher (graduated 2016).
Currently: Faculty member at SCE

Eilat Lev Ari (graduated 2023)
Thesis title: Product Managers Role in Incorporating Values into Digital Products

Doron Hillman, M.A. thesis (graduated 2023), co-advised with Dr. Yaniv Harel
Thesis title: Evaluating organizational anti-phishing campaigns on an enterprise scale”

Maya Arditi, M.A. thesis (graduated 2021), co-advised with Prof. Irad Ben-Gal
Working on evaluating the utility and privacy of mobility synthetic data
Shahaf Donio, M.A. thesis (graduated 2019)
Thesis title: “From Smart Cities to Smart Neighborhoods: What Drives Residents to Adopt Municipal Urban Technologies”

Ruth Sarig, M.A. thesis (graduated 2020), co-advised with Ran Wolff
Thesis title: “Churn and Profile Deletion in Online Social Networks”

Ayelet Arditi, M.A. thesis (graduated 2018)
Thesis title: “Inferential Location Privacy through Dimension Reduction”

Yoni Birman, M.A. thesis (graduated 2017)
Thesis title: “Inferential Location Privacy through Dimension Reduction”

Netta Rager, M.A. thesis (graduated 2017), co-advised with Noam Shomron
Thesis title: “Protecting Privacy in Personalized Genomic Databases”

Lena Petrykina, M.A. thesis (graduated 2017)
Thesis title: “Incentivizing Users to Follow Information Security Practices”

Gabi Cohen, M.A. thesis, co-advised with Prof. Irad Ben-Gal (graduated 2015) Thesis title: “Analyzing Mobility Patterns with Zero-Knowledge Routine Diaries”

Omer Barak, M.A. thesis (graduated 2015)
Thesis title: “Bootstrapping Semantic Locations from Human Mobility Data”

Hadar Shtern Salem, M.A. project (graduated 2021)
Project title: “Views of Personal Genetics Testing and the Effect of Cancer Statistics”

Tsila Hamer, research assistant (2014)

Hadar Neumann, undergraduate student project (2013).
Project title: “Similarity in Privacy Behaviors”

Inbal Levi, research assistant (2013)

Adi Nesher, undergraduate Student project (2012)
Project title: “Smartphone Privacy Control Preferences Analysis”