Category: Students Page 5 of 5

The group in CSCW

We are presenting couple of things at the upcoming 20th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2017), held this year in Portland, Oregon, USA. Eran…

Congratulations to Netta Reger

Congratulations to Netta Reger, who had successfully defended her thesis “Protecting Privacy in Personalized Genomic Databases”. Netta’s thesis was co-advised by Eran and by Noam Shomron from the Sackler…

IWiT Pictures

Congrats to Netta for receiving the Faculty’s excellence scholarship

Congratulations to Netta Rager, our group member, for receiving  the Engineering Faculty’s excellence scholarship for M.A. students!

Receiving the Safra Ethics Center Grant to study Privacy in Genomic Databases

We are honored to receive the The Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics grant, together with Prof. Noam Shomron from TAU’s Faculty of Medicine, to study “Privacy in Personalized Genomic Database”. The study, carried…

Congrats to Anat!

Proud of Anat Haim, who successfully defending her Master’s project, “Classifying privacy behavior patterns in online social networks”, advised by Hadas Schwartz-Hassidim and Eran Toch. The project used supervised and…