Category: Research Page 8 of 11

New project with Singapore Management University and Tel Aviv Computer Science

Our lab was awarded a grant from the collaboration program by Singapore’s National Research Foundation (NRF) and Israel’s Tel Aviv University’s Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center (TAU-ICRC). You…

Our paper is nominated for best paper award at HICSS

Our paper, “Understanding the Valuation of Location Privacy: a Crowdsourcing-Based Approach“, by Maija Poikela and Eran Toch, was nominated for the best paper award at HICSS’50! We didn’t win,…

Analyzing Crowd-sourced Delivery Startup: A poster presented at Share-Israel Conference

Amit will present our poster “Analyzing Crowd-sourced Delivery Startup” at the Share-Israel conference. At the poster, we tell the story of a crowd-source delivery service that operates a…

New paper accepted: Understanding the Valuation of Location Privacy – a Crowdsourcing-Based Approach

Hawaii, here we come! We will present the paper “Understanding the Valuation of Location Privacy: a Crowdsourcing-Based Approach”, which was recently accepted to HICSS. The paper, written by Maija…

Download The Smart Cities Case Study for Tel Aviv, Israel

The Tel Aviv case study, written by Eyal Feder and Eran Toch, is now freely available to download in English or in Spanish. The case study is one of…

“Not Even Past”: New paper published online at Human–Computer Interaction

“The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” William Faulkner. The quote above is the basis for our new paper, “Not Even Past: Information Aging and Temporal…

Two new cybersecurity projects

Another new project: Tali Hatuka, Issi Rosen-Zvi, Michael Birnhack and Eran Toch just won a grant from the ICRC (Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center) to study Cyber Security in Smart…