Category: Research Page 11 of 11

Privacy and social intelligibility

What would happen if your phone would explain your friends why you cannot answer their call? Recently, I (Eran) had presented this issue ‘Privacy and social intelligibility’ in the…

Video lecture: Usability and Social Software

A lecture that Eran Toch had given at the World Usability Day Conference is now posted online. The Hebrew lecture is about the usability of social software, software…

What user studies can teach us about the Semantic Web?

Can the Semantic Web be a valid tool to enhance information sharing on the Internet? Will it ever justify the vision Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler and Ora Lassila…

Best paper award to our Super-Ego!

Our paper, “Super-Ego: A Framework for Privacy-Sensitive Bounded Context-Awareness“, had won the best paper award in CASEMANS 2011! The paper describes a method for deciding automatically which places…