All are invited to our 3-day privacy-by-design workshop, in Israel between April 25th and April 27. The workshop, sponsored by the Israel National Fund, will include three days, each with its particular focus:
1. The first day (April 25) will be held at Haifa University and will revolve around the state of privacy-by-design.
2. The second day (April 26) will be held at the headquarters of HP in Yehud and will interest researchers and practitioners who develop technologies for privacy or thinking of using them.
3. The third day (April 27) is the fourth workshop on privacy, technology and cyber. The registration for this day is already closed.
The full program is available here. It contains more than 40 speakers from Israel and from abroad, including academics working on privacy, policy-makers, as well as practitioners from companies such as Facebook, IBM, and HP. The workshop is free, and lunch will be provided (at the first two days), but please register.

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