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Ilana Don’s Master Project

We are happy to announce that Ilana Don had passed her Masters project defense with flying colors. Ilana’s project’s title is “Evaluating Transportation Models with Mobile Location Traces”,…

New paper accepted for publication: Analyzing large-scale human mobility data: A survey of machine learning methods and applications

I am happy to announce that a new survey paper, written in collaboration with Irad Ben-Gal from Tel Aviv University, Boaz Lerner and Eyal Ben-Zion from Ben Gurion University of…

Bringing privacy to software engineers

I am happy to announce that Dr. Irit Hadar, our collaborator from the University of Haifa, will present our joint work, “Privacy by Designers: Software Developers’ Privacy Mindset” at ICSE…

New demo accepted to IUI 2018

Tokyo, here we come! A new demo was accepted to the ACM Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) conference, which will be held this year in Tokyo. The demonstration will…

Presenting two studies at the “City Center” workshop

Two lab members, Ayelet Arditi and Shahaf Donio, will present their ongoing work at the City Center workshop. The workshop will take place on Monday 22/01/2018, 10:00-14:30, hosted at the…

Commentating at the “The Problem of Theorizing Privacy” workshop

Eran will be commentating on a presentation by Helen Nissenbaum, “Contextual Integrity Up and Down the Data Food Chain” at the International Workshop: The Problem of Theorizing Privacy, organized…

Oshrat is presenting at HICSS

Oshrat will talk about our study, “Crowdsourcing Privacy Design Critique: An Empirical Evaluation of Framing Effects”, at HICSS’51, Thursday, January 4th, at the Kona 1 room.