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Wendy Ju visiting the Lab

We were very happy to host Wendy Ju from Cornell Tech in our lab, with lots of guests from the Curiosity Lab. In the picture: Wendy presenting her groundbreaking studies about…

Presentation at ILAIS’08: Crowdsourcing Privacy Design Evaluation

Oshrat will present our work, “Crowdsourcing Privacy Design Evaluation”, at ILAIS 2018, the Information Systems Israeli Association conference. The lecture will be held on June 18, 2018, 10:50 AM, at…

Our presentation at the Fifth Privacy, Cyber-security, and Technology in Tel Aviv University

Amit will be presenting our work with Jason Hong about Using Contextual Integrity Theory to Analyze Decision-Making in Mobile Privacy. The workshop will take place at the Faculty…

An article about the lab in the Jerusalem Post

An article about some new research projects in the lab just published at the Jerusalem Post. The projects include privacy in smart cities, privacy choice architectures, and controlling…

New paper: The Political Premises of Contemporary Urban Concepts: The Global City, the Sustainable City, the Resilient City, the Creative City, and the Smart City

How can we make sense of all those ideas and concepts that follow cities and urban environments? In a new theoretical paper, in which the writing was headed…

Talking at the Data Science Summit 2018, Tel Aviv

Eran will give a talk at the 4th Data Science Summit, May 28, 2018 at Tel Aviv Convention Center. The summit brings over 1500 people from academia and industry…

Our presentation at CHI

All are welcome to hear Oshrat presenting our paper, Not Even Past: Information Aging and Temporal Privacy in Online Social Networks. When? Monday – April 23, 2018, 14:30. Where? Room:…