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Congratulations to Tamir for a successful thesis defense!

Congratulations to Tamir, who had successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis proposal today. Tamir’s thesis, titled ״Social Help: Developing Methods to Support Older Adults in Privacy and Security״ is centered…

Semester starts at Cornell Tech: First lecture at Data Science in the Wild

Today was the first time lecture at the Data Science in the Wild course, given by Eran with David Rimshnick at Cornell Tech Computer Science program. Let’s home this…

Coverage of our Smart City Project at TheMarker

Israel’s TheMarker newspaper had covered our collaborative research about Smart City Cyber Security, with Dr. Tali Hatuka, Prof. Michael Birnhack, and Dr. Hadas Tzur. The full article is…

New Paper by Luiza Jarovsky

We are very happy to announce the publication of Luiza Jarovsky at the European Data Protection Law Review. The paper’s title is  Improving Consent in Information Privacy through Autonomy-Preserving Protective Measures…

Keynote lecture: the SPACE Conference

Eran will give a keynote lecture at the 8th International Conference on Security, Privacy, and Applied Cryptography Engineering (SPACE), December 2018 19th, at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. Eran’s…

Giving two talks at Brown University

Tomorrow, November 29th, Eran will give two talks at Brown University: 12:00 AM – Smart Cities / Digital Neighborhoods: Privacy, Equality, and Adoption of Urban Technologies (Watson Center for…

Smart City Conference

In the last two years, the lab was involved in writing a comprehensive guide to urban digitalization. The project team was led by Tali Hatuka and included Hadas Zur…