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Private Companies and Scholarly Infrastructure: The Question of Google Scholar

I’m happy to announce that we have taken a (small) part in writing a new workshop paper: Jake Goldenfein (Cornell Tech), Sebastian Benthall (NYU), Daniel Griffin (UC Berkeley),…

Tamir’s Doctoral Colloquium presentation at #Ubicomp2019

Tamir will present his thesis tomorrow, at the Doctoral Colloquium AT UBICOMP/ISWC 2019. In his presentation, Tamir will talk about: Social Help: Developing Methods to Support Older Adults in Mobile Privacy…

Full paper available: Evaluating Users’ Perceptions about a System’s Privacy – Differentiating Social and Institutional Aspects

Our paper was presented in SOUPS 2019, and now you can now download the full paper from the Usenix website. Evaluating Users’ Perceptions about a System’s Privacy: Differentiating…

New paper accepted to Privacy Law Scholars Conference – Europe (PLSC)

Happy to announce that our paper “Making Privacy-by-Design User-Centered: Challenges and Methods for Involving Users in Privacy Engineering Processes” has been accepted to be workshopped in the Privacy Law…

Kudos to Ayalet Arditi!

Congratulations, kudos, and Mabruk to Ayalet Arditi, who had successfully defended her Master thesis work “Evaluating Crowdsourcing Package Delivery Architectures with Mobility Data”. In her work, Ayalet had used…

New paper accepted to SOUPS: Evaluating Users’ Perceptions about a System’s Privacy

I am happy to announce that we have a new paper accepted to SOUPS 2019, the Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security. The paper, written by Oshrat Ayalon…

New CHI poster abstract available online

The abstract of our new poster is now available online. The poster was presented at CHI 2019. The poster describes our new privacy A/B testing. The citation is:…