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New published paper — Selectivity in posting on social networks: the role of privacy concerns, social capital, and technical literacy

A new paper by the lab was recently published: Selectivity in posting on social networks: the role of privacy concerns, social capital, and technical literacy at the Heliyon journal. The paper is…

New Paper accepted for Publication: Between privacy and security — the factors that drive intentions to use cyber-security applications

I am happy to announce that a new collaborative paper was accepted for publication at the Behaviour & Information Technology Journal: “Between privacy and security: the factors that drive…

Free lectures at Eran’s online course on Data Engineering

If you have spare corona time on your hands, you are welcome to watch Eran’s Hebrew lectures from his Data Engineering course. Here are some examples of the…

Lecture at the TAU Alumni Organization Webinar: Covid-19 and the Great Privacy Wars

Eran will speak at the Tel Aviv University and the TAU Alumni Organization Webinar event titled “Brave New Cyber World under Corona”, which will be held on Monday, June…

Interviewing Eran Toch about Google’s Sidewalk Labs Toronto project

Eran was recently interviewed by Tal Shahaf from Ynet — Israel’s largest newspaper website — about Google’s collapse of Sidewalk Labs’s Toronto project. Here is the link to the…

Tamir’s lecture at ILAIS 2020

Tamir Mendel will present a lecture at ILAIS 2020: My Mom Was Getting this Popup: Understanding Motivations and Processes in Helping Older Relatives with Mobile Security and Privacy, by…

New Paper accepted for Publication: Crowdlogistics – understanding auction-based pricing and couriers’ strategies in crowdsourcing package delivery

I am happy to announce that a new paper, “Crowd logistics: understanding auction-based pricing and couriers’ strategies in crowdsourcing package delivery” was accepted to the Journal of Intelligent Transportation…