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Interview at Kann about Israel’s new Law that will give Israeli Police Biometric Surveillance Powers

Eran was interviewed in the “Three Ones Who Know” science program at the Israel Public Broadcast Network — Kann. See the program from July 14th, 2021, minute 1:18….

Published: Nudging users towards online safety using gamified environments

The journal Computers and Security had published our paper, “Nudging Users towards Online Safety using Gamified Environments”.  The paper is written by Yelena Petrykina,  Hadas Schwartz-Chassidim, and Eran…

New paper accepted for publication at MobileHCI

We are happy to announce that we have a new paper accepted for publication at MobileHCI: “An Exploratory Study of Social Support Systems to Help Older Adults in…

New paper: Website categorization via design attribute learning

Eran had contributed to a new paper by the LAMBDA Lab headed by Prof. Irad Ben-Gal. The paper, by Doron Cohen, Or Naim, Eran Toch, and Irad Ben-Gal,…

Congratulating Luiza for winning the President’s Scholarship

So proud! Luiza Jarovsky received the most prestigious Ph.D. award in Israel – The President’s Scholarship, from President Ruvi Rivlin, for her PhD research on fairness in data…

TheMarker article about our work on Nudging Users towards Online Safety using Gamified Environments

The economic section of Haaretz, TheMarker, had published a piece on our upcoming paper in Computers and Security. I was interviewed about why human errors are increasingly exploited…

Congratulations to Dr. Oshrat Ayalon!

So proud of Oshrat Ayalon for zooming through her doctoral defense with flying colors. Oshrat is now a post-doctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems…