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Interviewed on the Israeli public radio

Eran was interviewed on the Israeli Public Radion show “Three who know” about the new system suggested by the municipality of Natanya for using image recognition for recognizing…

Tamir Mendel winning the  2022 ILAIS Ein-Dor Student Prize for Information Systems Research

We are very proud to announce that Tamir Mendel had received the ILAIS Ein-Dor Student Prize for Information Systems Research. The prize, established in 2022, is given to…

New published paper: Proactive Support for Older Adults

We are happy to inform the readers that we have a new paper published in the Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies: Toward Proactive Support…

Talk at the 1st Annual Conference of the TAU Center for Combating Pandemics

In a recent talk at the 1st Annual Conference of the TAU Center for Combating Pandemics, Eran was presenting the research carried out by him and Oshrat Ayalon,…

Masters Project by Yaron Tal

We are happy to announce that Yaron Tal had successfully defended his project “Risk factors analysis of ambulance calls among users of emergency call service in Israel”, co-advised…

New Demo at CHI

Our demo: “Meerkat: A Social Community Support Application for Older Adults” was accepted to ACM CHI 2022. The Android app, headed by Tamir Mendel, helps older adults receive…

Talk at Imperial College

Eran will be speaking at the Dyson Joint Seminar at Imperial College about #COVID19 contact tracing apps and how governments can harm citizens’ engagement when employing mass surveillance.