Category: Students Page 1 of 5

Maayan Interviewed at The Post-Human Condition Podcast

Maayan Cohen speaks with Carmel Vaisman from the fascinating podcast The Post-Human Condition, sharing insights from several studies she led in our lab as a postdoc. These studies focus…

Danielle Movsowitz Davidow winning the Data Science Higher Education Scholarship

Very proud to announce that Danielle Movsowitz Davidow had won the Data Science Israeli Higher Education Scholarship for Excellency in Data Science. The scholarship awards Ph.D. students for 120K…

Maayan winning the 2024-2025 IAPP Westin Scholar Award!

Very proud of  our post-doctoral fellow Maayan Cohen for winning the 2024-2025 IAPP Westin Scholar Award! The Westin Scholar Award aims to recognize future leaders in privacy or data protection scholars enrolled in privacy-focused courses…

New accepted presentation: Differential Privacy and Users’ Contextual Data Disclosure Decisions

We’re happy to annouce that our paper “Investigating the Impact of Differential Privacy on Users’ Contextual Data Disclosure Decisions” by Michael Khavkin and Eran Toch, was accepted to The 6th Annual…

Assaf Morag’s Thesis Defence

Super proud of Assaf Morag, who successfully defended his Master’s thesis with flying colors. Assaf’s thesis is titled “DPAR: a Data-driven Password Recommendation System,” and it’s about the…

New paper accepted to CHI on the Strategies of Product Managers

I’m happy to announce a Eilat Lev Ari’s paper was (conditionally) accepted to the ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. The paper, written with Maayan Roichman…

Analysing Feature Selection for Churn Prediction Models

Even in these difficult times, we are committed to our students and their work. In this context, I want to announce that Chen Ofir had successfully defended his…