Category: Research Page 3 of 11

New Paper Alert: Evaluating Organizational Phishing Awareness Training on an Enterprise Scale

Phishing attacks continue to pose a significant threat to employees and organizations alike. We’ve all been part of phishing awareness training, and we’ve all gone through annoying tutorials…

New paper accepted to CHI

I’m proud that the community acknowledged Tamir Mendel’s work on the Meerkat App and social support. Our paper “Social Support for Mobile Security: Comparing Close Connections and Community…

Meerkat in the news: Calcalist published an article about our research

The Calcalist Israeli national economic newspaper published an in-depth article (in Hebrew) about Tamir Mendel’s work on Meerkat,  a social app that helps older adults to get support from their…

Meerkat was featured at Tel Aviv University’s International Website

Tamir’s work was featured in Tel Aviv University’s International Website under “TAU-Developed App Empowers Seniors with Tech Savvy“.

Published paper -> Synthesis of Longitudinal Human Location Sequences: Balancing Utility and Privacy

Maya Benarous’ paper, “Synthesis of Longitudinal Human Location Sequences: Balancing Utility and Privacy“, was just published at the ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD). The paper, written with…

New paper: Evaluating package delivery crowdsourcing using location traces in different population densities

Our paper was just published online in the journal Computers, Environment and Urban Systems: Evaluating Package Delivery Crowdsourcing using Location Traces in Different Population Densities by Ayelet Arditi and Eran…

Poster presentation at IsraHCI

Very proud of Tamir Mendel, who presented his poster at #israchi2022. The poster is based on IMWUT published paper Proactive Support for Older Adults with Eran Tromer, Roei Schuster,…