Category: Research Page 10 of 11

Paper published: Crowdsourcing privacy preferences in context-aware applications

Personal and Ubiquitous Computing recently published Eran’s paper, titled: “Crowdsourcing privacy preferences in context-aware applications”. The official link is: The paper tries to answer a simple question: how…

New paper accepted. The emergence of portable private-personal territory (PPPT): Smartphones, social conduct, and public spaces

A new paper was recently accepted to the journal Urban Studies: The emergence of portable private-personal territory (PPPT): Smartphones, social conduct, and public spaces. The paper is a collaboration…

The cost of things: couple of interesting studies

What are the true cost of annoying ads? Or the trust cost of free mobile applications? Two very different studies looked at those questions. This paper, accepted to…

Two Papers to be presented at Ubicomp’13, Zurich

Ubicomp 2013 will be held in Zurich, Switzerland, next week, at September 8-12, 2013, in Zurich, Switzerland. Our group will present two papers at the conference: Eran will present the…

New Article: Locality and Privacy in People-Nearby Applications

A new article was recently accepted to the Ubicomp conference: Locality and Privacy in People-Nearby Applications. The article, written with Inbal Levi, a research assistant in the group, looks…

Our new Cyber Grant Project

A new and exciting project is starting in our group: “User-Oriented Security: A multidisciplinary approach.” The project is a collaboration with three other faculty members, Joachim Meyer, Tal…

What can ‘People-Nearby’ applications teach us?

`People-nearby’ applications, such as Highlight, Grindr and Badoo, are used by millions of users to meet new people online. Eran is presenting an position paper that looks at…