Category: Research Page 1 of 10

New accepted paper: Cleaning House or Quiet Quitting? Large-Scale Analysis of Account Deletion Behavior on Tumblr

We are happy to announce a new article accepted for publication at Behaviour and Information Technology: Cleaning House or Quiet Quitting? Large-Scale Analysis of Account Deletion Behavior on Tumblr. The…

New preprint — Improving Users’ Passwords with DPAR

We are happy to share a new pre-print, titled “Improving Users’ Passwords with DPAR: a Data-driven Password Recommendation System” now available on Arxiv. The paper is based on…

ICSE paper from the SMU-TAU Collaboration on Android App Debloating

Android apps are getting bigger and bigger, packed with more features than most users need or want. All that extra code increases app sizes, slows performance, and expands…

Strategies of Product Managers at CHI2024

What product managers actually do and why they important for understanding the user experience? We will present our paper, “Strategies of Product Managers: Negotiating Social Values in Digital…

New paper accepted to CHI on the Strategies of Product Managers

I’m happy to announce a Eilat Lev Ari’s paper was (conditionally) accepted to the ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. The paper, written with Maayan Roichman…

Presentation at AFT

How can we share data on blockchain networks with enough plausible deniability to give us confidence that we wouldn’t be recognized by the data we share but by…

Analysing Feature Selection for Churn Prediction Models

Even in these difficult times, we are committed to our students and their work. In this context, I want to announce that Chen Ofir had successfully defended his…