Author: erant Page 8 of 59

Interview in Calcalist about the Emergency Privacy Bill

One of the more critical tasks we face in the wake of the tragedy of the Oct 7 massacre is to make sure that our core values remain…

Privacy-Preserving Transactions with Verifiable Local Differential Privacy

Our paper, “Privacy-Preserving Transactions with Verifiable Local Differential Privacy” was presented at the 5th Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies (AFT 2023) in Princeton, N.J.. The paper is available…

Analysing Feature Selection for Churn Prediction Models

Even in these difficult times, we are committed to our students and their work. In this context, I want to announce that Chen Ofir had successfully defended his…

New Podcast about Internet Privacy

Rosh Hashanah is an excellent time to organize all our digital accounts and think about our privacy on the internet in the coming year. Eran is discussing the…

Interviews regarding Israel’s Face Recognition Bill

Eran was interviewed by Calcalist and the Kann News Broadcast Network regarding the new Police Face Recognition Bill in Israel. Calcalist headline printed article can be found here:…

Interview about Privacy in Smart Cars

Eran was interviewed on the Kann public broadcast network about smart cars and privacy. Listen, in Hebrew, here.

Available online: Privacy-Preserving Transactions With Verifiable Local Differential Privacy

We are happy to announce that our paper was accepted to ACM Advances in Financial Technologies and is now available on the conference’s program. We will present the paper in…