Author: erant Page 6 of 59

Talking with France 2 Channel about AI and the War

Eran was interviewed by the France 2 channel about Isarel’s use of AI and the war in Gaza.

Interview at the Israeli Public Broadcasting

Eran was interviewed by the Israel Public Broadcasting Network about the use of AI by the IDF Intelligence.

Summarizing the Data Privacy Graduate Course

Despite this brutal and displacing semester, the project presentations by the students in the Information Privacy graduate course at The Faculty of Engineering Tel Aviv University deeply impressed me. Oz Shenhav,…

Assaf Morag’s Thesis Defence

Super proud of Assaf Morag, who successfully defended his Master’s thesis with flying colors. Assaf’s thesis is titled “DPAR: a Data-driven Password Recommendation System,” and it’s about the…

New paper accepted to CHI on the Strategies of Product Managers

I’m happy to announce a Eilat Lev Ari’s paper was (conditionally) accepted to the ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. The paper, written with Maayan Roichman…

Radio interview about the autocomplete algorithm in iOS and privacy

Eran was interviewed by Gidi Gov and Adi Lerner about the autocomplete algorithm in iOS and privacy. Here is the link.

Interview about the EU Commission adequacy decision regarding Israeli

Eran was interviewed by the Calcalist business daily newspaper about the  EU Commission adequacy decision regarding Israeli. You are welcome to read the English version and the Hebrew one….