Author: erant Page 33 of 59

New paper presented at CLaw – Towards Behavioral Privacy: How to Understand AI’s Privacy Threats in Ubiquitous Computing – Eran Toch, Yoni Birman

A new paper was recently presented at “CLaw: The Fourth International Workshop on Legal and Technical Issues in Cloud and Pervasive Computing”, held in Singapore. The short paper, written…

Giving a talk at Weill Cornell: Genomic Privacy in Clinical Settings

Eran will give a talk at Weill Cornell Medicine Hospital, at the Health Informatics Research Seminar, the Department of Healthcare Policy & Research. Title: Genomic Privacy in Clinical Settings Recent advances in genomic technology enable…

Cartoon of the Smart City Talk

Gary Zamchick had created this amazing cartoon for my talk on Smart Cities, Privacy and Equality at the Digital Life seminar series. Work with Shahaf Donio, Michael Birnhack, Tali…

A video of Eran’s lecture on AI and privacy

Eran’s video from the Data Science Summit is now online. A quick reminder, the talk was about Artificial Intelligence: A Clear and Present Danger to our Privacy?

Seminar at the Digital Life seminar at Cornell Tech

Eran will give a lecture at the Digital Life seminar series, at Thursday 12.30 – 14.00, September 20th, Room 131 | Tata Innovation Center | Cornell Tech Campus | Roosevelt Island. The seminar is open and everybody…

Congratulations to Shany Peter!

We are happy to announce that Shany Peter had successfully defended her graduate project “A/B Testing for Privacy”. The system, supervised by Oshrat Ayalon, allows designers to test their…

Sabbatical at Cornell Tech

I am excited to announce that I would spend my sabbatical next year at Cornell Tech in New York City, as a Visiting Associate Professor. I look forward to…