Author: erant Page 28 of 59

Israel Comptroller Report cites our Research on the City in the Digital Age

The Israel State Comptroller new report on Municipal Digital Services and Smart Cities Initiatives.  The report heavility cites our study on the City in the Digital Age. The…

IWiT and COVID-19

It has been a tremulous time for the people of the IWiT Lab, as it has been almost everywhere else on earth. We have been moving our work and…

IsraHCI at Tel Aviv University!

We are very excited to host the IsraHCI conference next week at our Faculty of Engineering at Tel Aviv University. The IsraHCI Research Conference brings together researchers and…

New Lab Graduate: Ruth Sarig

I am happy to announce that Ruth Sarig had successfully defended her thesis for her Master degree. The thesis, co-advised by Ran Wolff from Yahoo Research,  is titled…

Interview on Tel Aviv University’s Homepage for Data Privacy Day

Tel Aviv University had uploaded an interview with Sunny Kalev, Noam Shomron, and Eran Toch, marking the Data Privacy Day. In the interview, Eran talks about why privacy is…

Oshrat’s video presentation at SOUPS

Oshrat’s presentation at SOUPS 2019 is now accessible online. Oshrat presents our paper, Evaluating Users’ Perceptions about a System’s Privacy: Differentiating Social and Institutional Aspects The paper asks a pretty simple…

New paper accepted to publication: Selectivity in Posting on Social Networks: The Role of Privacy Concerns, Social Capital, and Technical Literacy

A new paper was accepted for publication: Selectivity in Posting on Social Networks: The Role of Privacy Concerns, Social Capital, and Technical Literacy. The paper was headed by Hadas…