Author: erant Page 26 of 59

New published paper: Crowd logistics: Understanding auction-based pricing and couriers’ strategies in crowdsourcing package delivery

How do couriers make decisions in auction-based package delivery service? In this new paper published in the Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Amit Rechavi and Eran Toch analyze couriers’ strategies…

New Paper Accepted to Publication at CSCW: Can you Turn it Off? The Spatial and Social Context of Mobile Disturbance

We are happy to announce that a new paper was accepted to publication at CSCW 2020, and will be published at the ACM Proceedings of the ACM on…

Free Webinar: COVID-19 Contact Tracing and Privacy

This week, HaMagen 2, Israel’s Ministry of Health is planning to release the second version of the official contact tracing app. To address this release, we have organized…

Just published — Between privacy and security: the factors that drive intentions to use cyber-security applications

We are happy to announce that a new paper was recently published at Behaviour & Information Technology. You can read the complete paper here.  The paper is a collaborative work…

Yet another radio interview about our COVID-19 Contact Tracing study

What will be the effect of cellular tracking by Israel’s Secret Service for carrying our COVID-19 contact tracing? Eran was interviewed by the GLZ radio program, Bottom Line…

Radio interview with Eran at the Public Broadcast Network

Eran was interviewed in the “Three who know” science program at the Israel Public Broadcast Network — Kann. The interview covered an opinion piece in favor of retracting…

Media coverage of our COVID-19 Study (in Hebrew and in English)

Israel’s financial newspaper, Calcalist, had covered our study of the adoption and attitudes towards COVID-19 contact tracing technology. We had asked a representative sample of Israelis about their…