Author: erant Page 1 of 59

Coverage of our project on the Tel Aviv University Social Media Pages

Tel Aviv University writes about our new project to study Privacy Engineering for NGOs, with  Noa Diamond and Michael Birnhack . The two-year project is funded by competitive…

A Lecture at the Data Protection Officers Course

Eran was talking about Privacy Engineering at the Data Protection Officers course of The Institute Of Legal Arts, Tel Aviv University המכון לאמנויות המשפט and sponsored by the…

Israel Data Science and AI Initiative: Ethics Talk

The Israel Data Science and AI Initiative featured the lab in a video about studying AI Ethics in Israel’s Data Science Academic centers.  

Privacy Engineering for NGOs

We are very happy and proud to announce a research grant awarded to Professor Michael Birnhack, Noa Diamond from the Privacy Clinic at Tel Aviv University, and myself…

The Lab at the Industrial Engineering Graduate Research Seminar

We recently held the graduate research seminar at the Tel Aviv University Department of Industrial Engineering. Our own Danielle Movsowitz Davidow had organized the event, and Noam Sheena was…

Data Subsidization for AI Training and Global Data Protection Inequalities

Noa Mor and Eran Toch had wrote a short article, featured on the Digital Life Initiative (Cornell Tech) website (here is the PDF Version). It discusses the growing data protection…

Interview at Channel 12 News about AI and the War in Gaza

Eran was interviewed at Channel 12 News (Israel’s leading TV channel) by Yaron Avraham and Einav Galilli about AI and the war in Gaza and the challenges in…