Category: Students Page 1 of 5

Assaf Morag’s Thesis Defence

Super proud of Assaf Morag, who successfully defended his Master’s thesis with flying colors. Assaf’s thesis is titled “DPAR: a Data-driven Password Recommendation System,” and it’s about the…

New paper accepted to CHI on the Strategies of Product Managers

I’m happy to announce a Eilat Lev Ari’s paper was (conditionally) accepted to the ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. The paper, written with Maayan Roichman…

Analysing Feature Selection for Churn Prediction Models

Even in these difficult times, we are committed to our students and their work. In this context, I want to announce that Chen Ofir had successfully defended his…

Available online: Privacy-Preserving Transactions With Verifiable Local Differential Privacy

We are happy to announce that our paper was accepted to ACM Advances in Financial Technologies and is now available on the conference’s program. We will present the paper in…

New paper accepted to AFT

We are happy to announce that our new paper was accepted to the ACM Advances in Financial Technologies. The paper is titled “Privacy-Preserving Transactions With Verifiable Local Differential Privacy” and…

Eilat presenting her talk at ILAIS: Product Manages as Social Values Curators

Eilat Lev Ari presented her talk on the 17th ILAIS Conference of the Israeli Chapter for Information Systems at The Academic College of Tel Aviv–Yaffo. The talk, titled Product…

Presenting at the 10th Israeli Privacy Conference at Tel Aviv University

Happy to announce that Michael Khavkin will present our work on Assessing Users’ Differential Privacy Preferences in Data Markets at the 10th Israeli Privacy Conference at Tel Aviv University.