September 2021

A paper in MobileHCI

How older adults (people aged 65 or more) get help from family and friends when facing security and privacy challenges on their mobile phones?  Our ACM MobileHCI paper…

New mention at NBC News

An NBC News article had quoted Eran’s comments about Apple’s CSAM system, the challenges to privacy, and why delaying its rollout is a good idea.  Here is the…

Lights of 9/11

Interview at Kann about the privacy implications of 9/11

Eran was interviewed in the “Three Ones Who Know” science program at the Israel Public Broadcast Network — Kann. See the program from September 12th, 2021, minute 29:00….

Happy new Hebrew Year!

I’m really lowering my expectations from the new Hebrew year. Let’s just have fun while we can and stay healthy, okay? Perhaps a bit of research.

Privacy Engineering for the new Data Collection by the Bank of Israel: An Interview at Calcalist

Eran was interviewed by Calcalist about the privacy challenges of the new system proposed by the Bank of Israel to gather consumer action data. Click here to read…