2013 Page 1 of 6

Talk at Bar-Ilan University, at the Graduate School of Business Administration

Eran will be speaking on Tuesday, November 19th, at Bar-Ilan University, at the Graduate School of Business Administration. The talk will be held room 001, building 504, at…

Kavli Frontiers of Science Talk (Video)

The Israeli-American Symposium by the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities and U.S. National Academy of Sciences was an amazing experience. For three straight days, you could hear amazing…

Hosting Elaine M. Huang – From Tech-Smart to People-Smart: Designing for User Needs in Smart Homes

On Monday, November 11th, 11:00-12:00, the group will be hosting a talk by Elaine M. Huang, a professor of Human-Computer Interaction in the Department of Informatics at the University of…

Hacking at the Lab

Oranges, cups and a Raspberry Pi, all used to project a demo of a mobile phone application.

The cost of things: couple of interesting studies

What are the true cost of annoying ads? Or the trust cost of free mobile applications? Two very different studies looked at those questions. This paper, accepted to…

XKCD covers all possible opinions on Internet privacy.

Are all characters covered? Was Westin right all the way?

About Quitting

About quitting social media. A New Yorker Article describes a film, called ‘Noah‘, which premièred at the Toronto Film Festival early this week. The entire story plays out on the…